Over a year ago, Asante Mariamu received an email from Khai Fletcher, a teenager in Maryland. Khai was a Boy Scout for years, and wanted to become an Eagle Scout. He needed to plan and develop a service project, and he chose helping people with albinism in Tanzania.
It takes a lot of work to become an Eagle Scout. Khai researched albinism, and learned how it impacts people in East Africa. Over the next year, he planned, developed and participated in several awareness activities. Khai spoke at Scout meetings, at his church and in his community; he enlisted friends and family to help; and hosted a Sun Drive to gather donations.
Through his efforts, Khai raised a lot of awareness about albinism and the threat of skin cancer. He collected clothing, brimmed hats and many pairs of sunglasses. He also held a car wash to raise money to buy monoculars for students with albinism -- and raised over $300!
We love working with young people, and Khai is a good example of how much one person can do to help. Thanks so much to Khai's family, his troop and his community for supporting his hard work. Asante sana, Khai!
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