Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Why I think I will love Tanzania

This is an email I received yesterday from the kind Catholic priest who is helping to arrange my travels:

Greetings from Kabanga.

As I write this message it is raining heavily outside, but, as they say, "When it rains in China - they let it rain.." and that is what we also do here. After all it comes with mushrooms, mangoes, termites, lots of green vegetables, etc. If you focus on mud and floods, that's what you see.! This year it already seems we'll be getting Elnino rains! but that does not stop us from going on with our daily activities, from left to right, North and South - life is still liveable.

Susan, are you coming to Tanzania/Africa for the first time? I say it will be good for you to come now so you know what it looks like during the rainy season, and since you plan to come again in June then you will have the opportunity to see the difference for yourself.  If it happens that you get stuck in the mud it will be for some time only, and it provides fun of its kind to experience - at least once in one's life time. There are no more "Lions of Tsavo" and gangsters may be encountered any time of the year (not meant to scare...)

Asante, and Karibu sana.

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