Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The beginning of an adventure...

I have been trying to write the next trip update, but have been stymied on how to start.  Well, it just hit me.

I've been fortunate to talk to Doug several times via FaceTime, and he's had some unforgettable experiences already.  From having to convince the Customs Agent in Dar es Salaam that the Minister of Health did not need to personally certify that the 300 pairs of sunglasses he brought were safe to use as medical devices -- to being woken up at 3am by an elephant eating palm fruit outside of his tent -- it's already been an adventure.

Last night, he met with the leaders of the Tanzanian Albino Society and shared our new resource book for people with albinism, and agreed on ways to move forward in partnership.  He'll be traveling with others from TAS in the next two weeks in three different rural areas, leading awareness and advocacy events, and distributing all of the donated supplies to hundred of people with albinism.

I just received an email from our friend Reverend Bartholomew, and Doug and the team has arrived safely in Kibondo, and tomorrow is the first official event.  We are very excited and grateful for all the support we are receiving on the ground from our partners in Tanzania, and from our friends at home.  Asante sana!

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