Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Fingers in the dust

There are a bunch of little kids at the Kabanga School who run around just like all 3-5 year olds -- getting in trouble, being sassy -- and exploring and creating their world.  These kids have a wall around their world to keep them safe, with a big black gate.  On the gate is the phrase "Huruhu siw kungia ndani bila kibali" which translates roughly into "No admittance without approval."

I don't think the little ones can read this yet, and I am not sure they would care, even if they could.  Because in typical kid-fashion, they are using the gate to suit their own needs: as a chalkboard.  After the older kids leave the compound to go to class, the little ones write letters, numbers and figures in the dust that coats the gate (and just about everything else, too).  I can't wait to get back to Kabanga and see them - and bring them some chalk!

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