Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Newest "Albino" in the Movies: The Pirates, Band of Misfits

There are many stereotypes about albinism in our culture.  People routinely ask about "red eyes" and whether or not people with albinism (PWA) can see in the dark.  In movies and in literature, PWA are usually portrayed as other-wordly or evil (think DaVinci Code).   In our society, there is a link between these stereotypes and the bullying that many children with albinism face, just as there is a link between the myths surrounding albinism in East Africa and the horrific acts perpetrated against PWA in Tanzania and other countries.

As a result, sometimes PWA (and their families) react when another inappropriate cultural reference to albinism crops up in the news.  I think the Albino Rhino Beer controversy is a good example.  Several PWA albinism that I spoke with didn't have a problem with the restaurant offering the beer - it was kind of a "roll your eyes" moment.   A new claymation movie called The Pirates, Band of Misfits is about to open that features a character with albinism called The Albino Pirate.   Sigh.  I haven't seen it yet, but I have seen clips, and he has pinkish-red eyes.  I am kind of hoping that he will be the Hero Pirate who saves the day and ends up with the Surprisingly Curvaceous Pirate, but I am not betting on it.

My kids aren't really fazed by it - my son says he is too old to see the movie anyway. My daughter said she didn't care, but then launched into a two-minute civil rights discourse.....  ;-)   I love talking about this stuff with them, and I am sure we'll see the movie.  I'll report back afterwards......

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