Friday, April 6, 2012

Meet Elizabeth. Hopefully, she'll be Dr. Msacky someday.

This is a picture of Elizabeth Msacky, a 19 year-old student at the Mukidoma School near Moshi.   Asante Mariamu sponsored five students with albinism at the Mukidoma School last year, and I was looking forward to seeing the facility.  After we met with school officials, we went to see a classroom.  The kids were invited to ask us questions, but very few came forward.

After the question-and-answer session, our group was ushered out of the classroom, but I stayed behind to explain how to use the magnifiers I had brought for the students.  Elizabeth came up to me and asked if she could have my address.  I was delighted and said that I'd love to keep in touch.  She said, "ok, because I don't want you to forget me."  She didn't ask me for anything - not tuition, not spending money, sunscreen or books.  She simply asked me to remember her.

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